Farm silos and grain bins for custom bindominiums, binzebos, man-caves, she-sheds, playhouses, pool houses, garages and workshops

Bin Dreamin’ Lately?


The Bin-King finds, delivers and installs authentic farm silos and grain bins for residential and commercial clients in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas


Bin There, Done That

Seth Minter is The Bin-King: a grain-fed Kansas native who’s bringing a bit of family history back to the world in the form of abandoned grain bins and farm silos that are relocated and repurposed for modern living.

These structures are perfect for any number of applications including BINdominiums and BINzebos, tiny homes, pool houses, workshops, storage rooms, man-caves, she-sheds, playhouses and so much more. Best of all, the Bin-King only sources quality bins and silos that are no longer being used – which helps everyone involved.

We Find 'Em

We Move 'Em

We Can Set 'Em Up

You Finish 'Em


So Whazzup With These Bins?

What is the standard service level?

As a standard service offering, the Bin-King will find a bin / silo that suits your project then disassemble, transport and deliver the disassembled unit to your specified destination.

Do you offer reassmembly on-site?

Absolutely! The Bin-King can reassemble your bin on site, provided there is a sufficient foundation in place (i.e. concrete slab, posts/pierings, etc.) Reassembly begins at $2550 for a standard 14′ diameter bin, which includes 1-day SkyTrack rental (or $750 if suitable heavy equipment is available for use on-site and no rental is required.) Additional costs may apply for especially hard to access areas.

What sizes bins / silos are available?

The standard bin is approximately 14ft diameter and 14ft tall, which is perfect for a backyard gazebo, pool house, playhouse, or storage shed. For larger applications, such as custom event venues, bars and dining rooms, meeting rooms, yoga studios (you get the picture) the Bin King can provide units up to 48-ft in diameter and/or 40-ft tall.

Do the bins have cool old names / logos?

Some do, some dont. We are constantly in the market for grain bins and farm silos, so we take what we can get. All of the bins have that cool ‘patina’ of aged galvanized metal for character, but its generally a run-what-cha-get sort of arrangement. Some have flaking paint, some have more rust than others, and ALL the bins look cool. But if you have any ‘strong preferences’ let us know on the contact form and we’ll see what we can find.

Can you customize and build-out my bin?

Clients typically prefer to handle customization and build-out as a separate project with their preferred resources. However, The Bin-King can provide limited physical alterations during reassembly. Ask for details when you call or email.

What's the price and turn-time?

Prices start at $2650 for a standard 14′ diameter bin, delivered to Denton, Texas and ready for re-assembly. Delivery charges from Denton, TX to the destination are $3 per loaded mile. Delivery is generally available within 20-30 days of receiving the initial 25% deposit; but we strive to deliver as quickly as possible and will make every effort to accommodate your project schedule. If rush delivery is required, let’s discuss your options.

How much on-site preparation is required?

For setup on-site, you need a poured concrete foundation of at least 20% more area than your bin diameter, or adequate support poles set in concrete. Specific requirements (spacing, total load, etc.) are always discussed in advance for on-site setups. Also, the closer we can get a large truck to the drop-point, the better. 

How does this work financially?

For most projects, there will be a couple of conversations up front to be sure everyone’s on the same page. Whenever you’re ready to go, fire off a 25% deposit by check, and we’ll slot you in the schedule as soon as it arrives in the mail. (Yes, we working on accepting credit cards.) The balance is due upon delivery, which is about as simple as it gets.


Current Bin Prices

Prices above include delivery to Denton, Texas, and ready for reassembly.
Final delivery charges from Denton, Texas to the destination location is $3 per loaded mile. 

Still have questions?


I remember helping my dad put up these bins in the 1970’s. They hold so many memories of our family farm. It was bitter-sweet watching The Bin-King and his crew take them down, but being repurposed means these bins will continue making memories for many years to come. Enjoy as you watch them reconstructed for your project!

Linda in Kansas

We love to entertain, and as a bar and seating area, this bin will be the focal point of our entire backyard friends-n-family zone. A big shout-out to the Bin-King for doing business the old-fashioned way: open, honest and fair. If you’re looking for something completely different and totally cool for your home or business makeover, a Bin-King bin is the answer. 

Chad in Texas

Tell us about your project


The Bin-King estimates each project independently based on bin size, delivery location, customization, and foundation / structural requirements.

Which Services Do You Anticipate Needing?

Which Services Do You Anticipate Needing?

The Bin-King


Looking for genuine farm silos and grain bins for your next building project?

Call or Email now to get the ball bin rolling!